Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tattoo Quotes

Tattoo quotes for best friends can be hard to find - but not here. You are about to read the top tattoo quotes for best friends. Before getting into these top tattoo sayings there are few important things you must consider. Tattoos that feature words instead of images are becoming very popular today. Many people feel a tattoo phrase is much more personal and very clearly states the message they are trying to display. However, tattoos, both of the word and image variety will change over time. As the body ages our skin goes through all kinds of changes: expanding, sagging, shrinking and eventually wrinkling. Anything like a tattoo that is permanently inked on skin will experience the same changes. Because of these inevitable changes it is important to think ahead when getting a word tattoo. You want to make sure the lettering is such that it will still be legible over the years. If the print is too small the letters could bleed together and just look like blobs of ink years down the road.

As well, there are certain parts of the body that are less likely to go through dramatic changes as you age. These may be the best place for tattoo quotes. It is best to consult a tattoo professional and get their advice on the best locations for placement. Finally, you should seek out a tattoo artist that is experienced with tattoo lettering. This is much different than the artistry involved in tattooing images. You want someone that can tattoo letters and words very sure and clear. Given all this, it is now time to look over the top tattoo quotes for best friends. As you review these quotes keep in mind they can be modified and personalized so they will work in a unique way just for you and your best friend.

    A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
    Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.
    Friendship is one mind in two bodies
    Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart
    Together, forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart
    How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to
    Everyone hears what you say, friends listen to what you say
    Friends are the sunshine of life
    Good friends share good times, but great friends divide pain
    My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me
    Give me one friend, just one, who meets the needs of all my varying moods
    A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart
    Your true friend is always there, not just for a day or two, but forever.
    A friend will bail you out of jail, but your best friend will be sitting next to you saying... Wow that was fun!
    A best friend is hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget
    Friends of the heart are friends forever your best friend.